Step 1 of 3
The following step-by-step process will assist you on receiving customer service for any missing or damaged parts from your product.
You will need your instruction manual as well as model number and year of manufacture.
The model number is located either in your instructions or on the side of the box your product was packaged in. (Model Number IS NOT STAMPED BLUE)
The year of manufacture is located on the warning label that is adhered to your product or next to any copyright symbol in your instructions.
To proceed please click on the year below your product was manufactured.
You will need the newest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view instructions.
here to download.
Please note that parts for items manufactured prior to 2011 are in EXTREME limited quantity.
For Items Manufactured prior to 2011, Please click on the comments button below to inquire about replacement parts
When you submit your parts claim, a customer service rep will ONLY notify you if your part is NOT in stock.
We DO NOT sell tree stands or tree stand parts on this website or over the phone. Items are ONLY available at their respective stores.
Certain parts are available for purchase at
If you do not need customer service and simply want to leave us with your comments, please click the button below